파티맘 "케이시 앤서니 사건"(관련글: 올랜도 파티맘 무죄판결-케이시 앤서니 캐이스 이 글을 읽지 않았다면 이 글부터 읽는 것이 좋을 것 같다)은 미국은 물론 세계적으로 굉장한 관심을 끈 사건이었던 것으로 기억한다. 그 당시, "파티맘 케이시 앤서니의 딸 케일리의 아버지가 누구인가?"가 큰 화제였었다. 아마도 조금만 관심을 가지고 본다면, "왜 파티맘 "케이시 앤서니"와 딸 "케일리 앤서니"의 성씨(姓氏)가 같을까?" 하고 한번 의구심을 갖을법하다. 미국에서는 성씨(姓氏)를 이름 뒤에다 쓰는데 둘다 성씨(姓氏)가 "앤서니( )" 로 모녀(母女)의 성씨(姓氏)가 같은 것을 알 수 있다. 미국에서는 아기의 어머니와 아버지가 결혼을 했든 하지 않았든 아기를 낳으면 그 아기의 생물학적 어머니와 생물학적 아버지의 이름이 아기의 탄생과 함께 기록에 남게 된다. 그렇게 해서 자연적으로 혹은 자동적으로 아기는 아버지의 성씨(姓氏)를 따라가게 된다. 법적으로는 어머니의 성씨를 쓰는 것이 허용되어 있어도 아기의 성씨(姓氏)를 엄마 성씨(姓氏)로 쓰는 경우는 흔하지 않다(드물다, 거의 없다).
케일리 앤서니의 탄생 기록에 아버지의 이름은 빠지고 없었다. 케일리의 아버지가 될 확률을 가진 남자는 당시에 네 댓명은 되는가 보다. 기가 탁 막할 노릇 아닌가? 누구의 아이인지조차 불분명한 아이를 낳은 미혼모~ 될대로 되라는 식의 사고로 살아가는 그녀를 손가락질하는 것은 너무 당연한지도 모른다. 나아가 아이가 행방불명이 된지 30일이 넘도록 파티에서 희희낙락(喜喜樂樂)하던 케이시 앤서니가 제정신이 아니란 것은 어느 누구도 부정할 수 없는 사실이었다. 그러면서 근친상간(近親相姦)에 관한 이야기들이 나돌았다. 재판 과정에서 판사가 케이시 앤서니의 아버지 죠지 앤서니에게 "당신은 당신의 친딸과 섹스를 한적이 있습니까?"라고 묻는 장면도 있었다. 그는 대답했다. "그런적이 없습니다." 손녀딸이 살해되었는데 왜 그 할아버지가 이런 말을 들어야할까? 케이시 앤서니의 아버지와 그의 오빠 리 앤서니가 생물학적 아버지일것이라는 추측이 돌았고 결국, 유전자 감식(DNA)에 의한 친자(친부) 확인검사까지 했으나 둘 다 생물학적 친아버지가 아니라는 결과가 나왔었다. 심지어는 케일리가 태어날 무렵 사귀던 남자친구는 케일리를 자신의 딸처럼 대했는데 동일한 결과가 나왔다. 그 남자의 아이도 아니었다.
외할아버지 George Anthony & Caylee Anthony
남자친구의 아이도 아니라면 도대체 누구의 아이란 말인가? 임신한 사실을 알고 아이를 지우려고(임신중절하려고)했는데 어머니 신디 앤서니는 그녀에게 아이를 낳도록 했다는 것이다.
변호사 호세 바에즈가 낸 책에 의하면, 케이시 앤서니는 "자신의 딸 케일리 앤서니의 아버지가 자신의 아버지 죠지 앤서니일 것"이라고 믿고 있었다. 고 한다.
최근에 이 사건이 TV에서 재방영되면서 케이시 앤서니의 변호사 호세 바에즈의 변호 중에 나온 한 토막의 말을 듣고 놀라지 않을 수 없었다. "8살 여자아이가 아버지와 섹스를 하고(글에 쓰기가 난처하지만 정확한 표현은 "그의 것을 입에 넣고 있다가")~ 12살 여자아이가 아버지와 섹스를 한뒤에("그의 것을 입에 넣고 있다가") 학교에 가서 아무일 없던 것처럼 평범하게 행동해야 했다면~ ~ ~?"
그래서 그렇게 정신나간 행동을 하기에 이르렀다?
이런 근친상간(近親相姦)에 관련된 사건들이 간혹 들린다. 얼마전에 본 드라마에서는 와이프의 오빠가 정신과치료를 받으러 갔는데 두 부부가 도움을 주기 위해 정신과 치료에 함께 참석했는데 거기서 그 오빠와 자신의 와이프가 결혼전에 섹스를 하고 살았다는 것이 밝혀지기도 했다. 남편의 반응은 냉담했다. 어린딸의 삼촌인지 작은아버지가 자신의 어린 딸을 상습적으로 강간한 사실을 알게되자 격분한 엄마가 그 남자를 총으로 쏴서 죽이는 사건(케이시 앤서니에 대한 영어글 아래 그 자료도 올렸으니 관심있으면 한번 읽어보길 바란다)도 있다. 계부가 양딸을 강간하는 일은 더욱이 흔한 일이다.
외삼촌 Lee Anthony & Caylee Anthony
나의 생각
아이가 수영장에 빠져서 죽었는지~ 엄마가 질식사를 시켜서 죽였는지~ 아버지가 자신의 아이인 것을 숨기기 위해 죽인 것인지~ 딸을 살리고 여동생을 살리려고 이런 억울한 누명을 받았는지~ 그녀가 무죄인지~ 유죄인지~ 그것이야 본인들과 God만이 알 일이다. 하지만 한가지 확실한 것은 제정신에 한짓이나 그 결과는 아니란 것이다. 맛있게 보이는 복숭아의 겉만 보고는 얼마나 벌레가 먹었는지 알길이 없다. 우리는 단지 뉴스에 오르락 거리는 것을 보고 판단할 수 밖에 없다. 증거불충분이든 어쨋든간에 12명의 배심원이 무죄로 결정을 했다면 그럴만한 근거가 어느정도는 있다고 보아야한다.
사람들은(=우리는) 눈앞에 보이는 것을 자신의 관점에서 성급히 해석하고 판단하는 경향이 있다.
Casey Anthony Thought Her Father George Was Caylee's Father, Says Lawyer Jose Baez
Posted: 07/05/2012 6:02 pm Updated: 07/05/2012 11:49 pm
Casey Anthony suspected that her dad -- whom her attorney accused of sexually abusing her -- was the father of her dead daughter Caylee, according to that lawyer.
Anthony, who was acquitted of murdering Caylee exactly one year ago, wondered if her father George killed the toddler in order to hide evidence of the abuse, Jose Baez said.
The bombshell accusation is the latest from Baez's tell-all book "Presumed Guilty, Casey Anthony: The Inside Story."
Baez first made the allegation that George Anthony had sexually abused Casey during opening statements at her 2011 murder trial. Anthony was accused of killing her two-year-old daughter, lying about it and disposing of her remains.
"It all began when Casey was eight years old and her father came into her room and began to touch her inappropriately and it escalated ... She could be 14 years old....and go to school and play with the other kids as if nothing [had] happened," Baez said.
George Anthony denied the allegations when he was called to the stand to testify.
DNA testing later revealed neither George nor Casey's brother, Lee Anthony, was Caylee's father.
During Casey Anthony's murder trial, her father also denied knowledge of Caylee's death.
In his book, Baez again alleged Casey Anthony was regularly abused until she was 12. Baez speculates the abuse tapered off because George Anthony was afraid of getting his daughter pregnant.
The book also alleges that Casey Anthony was molested by her brother. Casey Anthony allegedly suggested her brother had learned the behavior from their father.
Baez said the defense team had initially wondered if George or Lee Anthony could have been Caylee's father. Casey Anthony had suspected that too and, according to the book, told a psychiatrist she was worried about the possibility because her father had sex with her around the time she became pregnant with Caylee.
Prior to the murder trial, Baez said he and co-counsel Cheney Mason told George Anthony that Casey claimed he abused her. Baez said George "sat for perhaps 40 seconds with his head bowed. He didn't say a word. We certainly noted that he didn't deny it. Cheney and I looked at each other in wonderment."
Baez recalled that George finally said "Oh my God."
It was during the start of the trial that Baez had told the jury that Caylee was the victim of an accidental death and not a murder as the prosecutors contended.
"Caylee Anthony died on June 16, 2008, when she drowned in her family's swimming pool," Baez said in court.
According to Baez, Casey Anthony and her father were home alone on the day the alleged accident occurred. The attorney said it was in the early morning hours of June 16 that George noticed Caylee was missing and he and his daughter began a frantic search -- looking under beds and in the garage. It was during that search that George Anthony decided to take the search outside, to the above-ground pool, Baez said.
"As Casey came around the corner [of the pool] she saw George Anthony holding Caylee in his arms," the defense attorney told the jury. "She immediately grabbed Caylee and began to cry. Shortly thereafter, George began to yell at her: 'Look what you've done. Your mother will never forgive you and you will go to jail for child neglect for the rest of your frigging life.'"
In his book, Baez said Casey Anthony wondered if her father "was doing something to her (Caylee) and he tried to cover it up."
In court, George Anthony denied having any knowledge of his granddaughter's death.
"I would have done anything I could to save my granddaughter," George Anthony testified.
Contacted by Fox News on Thursday, George Anthony's attorney, Mark Lippman, said his client has no comment on Baez's book.
Baez, according to his book, remains convinced George Anthony knows a lot more than he has let on.
"George never saw himself as the bad guy. Instead, as is common with abusers, he saw himself as the victim of Casey's treachery," Baez wrote.
참고: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/05/casey-anthony-incest_n_1652420.html#slide=more30031
Casey Anthony Files For Bankruptcy In Florida
TAMPA, Fla. — Casey Anthony filed for bankruptcy in Florida on Friday, claiming about $1,100 in assets and $792,000 in liabilities.
Court records show that Anthony, who was acquitted of killing her 2-year-old daughter Caylee in 2011, sought Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection in federal court in Tampa.
Her listed debts include $500,000 for attorney fees and costs for her criminal defense lawyer during the trial, Jose Baez; $145,660 for the Orange County Sheriff's office for a judgment covering investigative fees and costs related to the case; $68,540 for the Internal Revenue Service for taxes, interest and penalties; and $61,505 for the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for court costs.
The filling also states that she is a defendant in several civil suits, including one brought by Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez for defamation in Orange County Circuit Court.
Fernandez-Gonzalez claims she was damaged by Anthony telling detectives that a baby sitter by the same name kidnapped Caylee. The detectives were investigating the 2008 disappearance of the girl, who later was found dead. Anthony's attorney said details offered by Anthony did not match Fernandez-Gonzalez and clearly showed Anthony wasn't talking about her.
Court papers list Anthony as unemployed, with no recent income.
An attorney for Anthony, David Schrader, did not immediately respond to messages from the Associated Press.
Anthony lists about 80 creditors in the 60-page court filing. The claims largely cover fees for legal, medical, psychiatric and forensics consulting or services. But one claim covers a debt for scuba diving services.
According to the courts, the aim of seeking Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection is to be discharged of existing debts – essentially to get a fresh financial start. A trustee may have the right to take possession of and sell non-exempt property and use the sale proceeds to pay creditors, but Anthony lists little in the way of assets. A debtor may still be held responsible for some obligations, such as taxes and student loans. Persons found to have committed "certain kinds of improper conduct" can also be denied bankruptcy protection.
The filing came on the same day that a Florida appellate court set aside two of the four convictions she faced for lying to detectives during the investigation into her missing daughter.
Though Anthony was acquitted of killing Caylee, jurors convicted her of four counts of lying to detectives, and her attorneys appealed those convictions. Anthony was sentenced to time served for the misdemeanors.
She was sentenced to a year of probation after her release from jail for an unrelated case. For her protection, her whereabouts have been kept secret since she was released from state supervision last year.
참고: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/27/casey-anthony-bankruptcy_n_2560873.html
어린딸의 삼촌인지 작은아버지가 자신의 어린 딸(9살)을 상습적으로 강간한 사실을 알게되자 격분한 엄마가 그 남자를 총으로 쏴서 죽이는 사건
어머니의 모습을 보면 어린아이를 강간하는 것이 얼마나 잔혹한 일인지 알 수 있다. 이 사건은 2003년에 발생했고 당시 31세였던 어머니는 결국 무죄로 판결되어졌다고 한다. 그런데 무슨 일인지 이 젊은 어머니는 2010에 죽었다고 한다. 아마도 너무 슬퍼서~ 우울증에 시달리다~ 미쳐서~ 죽었지 않았을까?
Classification: Murderer |
Characteristics: Killed her daughter's alleged rapist |
Number of victims: 1 |
Date of murder: October 7, 2003 |
Date of arrest: Same day (surrenders) |
Date of birth: February 10, 1972 |
Victim profile: Coy Calloway Hundley, 38 |
Method of murder: Shooting |
Location: Blount County, Tennessee, USA |
Status: Found guilty of voluntary manslaughter. She was sentenced to four years in prison on December 19, 2005. Sentence reduced on appeal to six months in prison. Died in June 2010 |
Murder or Vigilante Justice?
By Chris Francescani - ABCNews.go.com
October 19, 2007
Amanda Cunningham said she vividly recalls the day her Uncle Coy raped her.
"I remember I had my purple Little Mermaid shirt on," she told ABC News. "He told me to take my clothes off, and I said no, so he took them off me."
She was 9 years old. Coy Hundley was drunk, Amanda said, but that wasn't unusual. He would rape her again a few months later, she testified in court.
Nearly five years later, in the fall of 2003, Amanda's mother, Kimberly Cunningham, finally learned of the alleged attacks. What happened next was the talk of Knoxville, Tenn., for years.
Kimberly got into her car and drove to the tool company where Hundley worked. She called him out into the parking lot. Cunningham said that she was praying he would deny the rape. Instead, she said Hundley, 39, laughed at her.
"What are you going to do about it?" he allegedly said.
Kimberly shot him five times, reloaded the weapon and fired five more rounds, killing him.
"I'll never forget him laughing at me," she testified at trial, according to court transcripts.
Witnesses said that after Kimberly shot Hundley, she got back into her car, pulled out of the parking lot and up to the road, put her blinker on and calmly drove away. Forty-five minutes later, she was in the Alcoa, Tenn., Police Department, turning in her nickel-plated revolver and telling police there had been a shooting.
"The person who is a good mother and in control — and I'm a compassionate person — was completely gone," Kimberly told ABC News. "You wouldn't believe how tiny she was," Kimberly said, her voice cracking. "This little thing, she wasn't more than 42 pounds, and for someone to do such vulgar things to her … there [sic] is simply no words to describe what happened … I just totally lost control."
On an audiotape of the police interrogation obtained by ABC News, Kimberly can be heard sobbing. "He raped my baby!" she told police.
참고: http://murderpedia.org/female.C/c/cunningham-kimberly.htm