뉴욕 트레인 안에서 한 젊은 여자가 옆사람에게 방해가 되지 않을까 신경쓰지 않고 휴대폰을 쓰다가 "공공장소에서 휴대폰 사용을 자제해달라."고 요청하는 흑인차장에게 "나는 (너같은 사람에게) 무시당할만한 사람이 아니라 교육받은 사람(well-educated)이다. 내릴테니 차표를 반환해주라." 면서 시비하는 장면이 유투브에 올라서 화제가 되었다. 입을 통해 사건이 전달되는 경우에는 와전 되기가 쉬운데 비디오를 통해 보여주는 상황은 한치의 과장도 없었다. 뉴욕의 배운사람(돈이 있는 사람, 파워가 있는 사람)의 행태를 보여주는 이 비디오는 그 파급효과가 엄청나게 컸다. 개인적인 일을 공공연히 유투브에 올려서 개인의 체면이 깎이게 되는 것에 대해서도 한번 생각해볼 일이었다. 유투브에 올려지자 곧 내리게 되었고 다시 누가 올리고 내리는 상황이 반복되었다. 위에 올려진 것도 언제 내려질지 모르지만 백인들이 사는 동네에서 겪은 나의 미국생활 이야기와 유사한점이 있고 미국에 살면서 흔히 겪게되는 흥미로운(정확히 말하면, 밥맛 떨어지고 정네미 떨어지는) 이야기라서 올려본다. 실제로 이 여자는 젊은 인도여자였는데 미국에 이민온지 오래되어 몇 세대를 거쳐서 미국교육을 받으면 이런식으로 다른 인종을 무시하면서 철저히 이기주의자로 살아간다.
자칭 교육받은 사람(well-educated)이라고 떠들다가 국제적(인터넷상)으로 망신을 당한 이 사람의 미래는 그리 밝을 것 같지가 않다. 스티븐 스필버그의 The Color Purple 이라는 영화에서 흑인여자인 소피아 역활로 나오는 Oprah Winfrey에게 길에서 만난 백인여자(시장의 부인)가 자신의 종(maid:a female domestic servant)이 되어달라고 하자 "Hell No!"라고 대답했다가 8년동안 감옥에 가게 되고 병신이 되어 나오는 장면이 있다. 나와서도 죽을 때까지 그 백인여자의 종이 되어 살아야야했다. 여기 나오는 백인여자 주인도 돈이 있고 파워가 있는 사람으로서의 행태를 그대로 보여준다. 이렇게 안하무인하던 백인여자가 살던 1920-1930년대 상황이 2011년으로 바뀌어 뉴욕 트레인 안에서 그대로 재현 되었다. 그 결과는 정반대로 나타났다. 교육받은 사람(well-educated)이라고 스스로 말하는 이 여자는 배우지 못한 사람처럼 열을 올리는 반면 (교육받은) 흑인차장이 다른 차장에게 아주 침착한 모습으로 상황을 설명하는 것을 볼 수 있다. 내리겠다고 했지만 결국 망신만 당하고 기차에서 쫒겨난 것이다. 세상이 변했다고 해도 이러한 인종차별과 계급주의가 미국사회 저변에 보이지 않게 깔려 있다는 것이 내가 보는 관점이다. 아래 비디오에서는 오프라 윈프리가 처참하게 백인에게 당하는 모습이 나온다. 그들이 열연했던 이 영화가 그들을 자극했을까? 그들은 지금 미국 최고의 부와 유명세를 타고 앉아서 살아가고 있다. 오프라 윈프리와 우피 골드버그가 젊어서 열연하는 모습이 인상적이다.
자칭 교육받은 사람(well-educated)이라고 떠들다가 국제적(인터넷상)으로 망신을 당한 이 사람의 미래는 그리 밝을 것 같지가 않다. 스티븐 스필버그의 The Color Purple 이라는 영화에서 흑인여자인 소피아 역활로 나오는 Oprah Winfrey에게 길에서 만난 백인여자(시장의 부인)가 자신의 종(maid:a female domestic servant)이 되어달라고 하자 "Hell No!"라고 대답했다가 8년동안 감옥에 가게 되고 병신이 되어 나오는 장면이 있다. 나와서도 죽을 때까지 그 백인여자의 종이 되어 살아야야했다. 여기 나오는 백인여자 주인도 돈이 있고 파워가 있는 사람으로서의 행태를 그대로 보여준다. 이렇게 안하무인하던 백인여자가 살던 1920-1930년대 상황이 2011년으로 바뀌어 뉴욕 트레인 안에서 그대로 재현 되었다. 그 결과는 정반대로 나타났다. 교육받은 사람(well-educated)이라고 스스로 말하는 이 여자는 배우지 못한 사람처럼 열을 올리는 반면 (교육받은) 흑인차장이 다른 차장에게 아주 침착한 모습으로 상황을 설명하는 것을 볼 수 있다. 내리겠다고 했지만 결국 망신만 당하고 기차에서 쫒겨난 것이다. 세상이 변했다고 해도 이러한 인종차별과 계급주의가 미국사회 저변에 보이지 않게 깔려 있다는 것이 내가 보는 관점이다. 아래 비디오에서는 오프라 윈프리가 처참하게 백인에게 당하는 모습이 나온다. 그들이 열연했던 이 영화가 그들을 자극했을까? 그들은 지금 미국 최고의 부와 유명세를 타고 앉아서 살아가고 있다. 오프라 윈프리와 우피 골드버그가 젊어서 열연하는 모습이 인상적이다.
지금껏 보아온 영화와는 색다른 이 감동적인 영화를 감상해 보길 바란다.
The Color Purple
백인여자가 자신의 종이 되어달라고 하자 "Hell No!"라고 대답하고 있는 소피아(오프라 윈프리 분장)
위의 세번째 비디오(The color Purple(3/6))가 바로 그 장면이다.
위의 세번째 비디오(The color Purple(3/6))가 바로 그 장면이다.
The Color Purple 줄거리
Celie(Whoopi Goldberg 분장), the protagonist and narrator of The Color Purple, is a poor, uneducated, fourteen year-old black girl living in rural Georgia. Celie starts writing letters to God because her father, Alphonso, beats and rapes her. Alphonso has already impregnated Celie once. Celie gave birth to a girl, whom her father stole and presumably killed in the woods. Celie has a second child, a boy, whom her father also steals. Celie’s mother becomes seriously ill and dies. Alphonso brings home a new wife but continues to abuse Celie.
Celie and her bright, pretty younger sister, Nettie, learn that a man known only as Mr. wants to marry Nettie. Mr. has a mistress named Shug Avery, a sultry lounge singer whose photograph fascinates Celie. Alphonso refuses to let Nettie marry, and instead offers Mr. the "ugly" Celie as a bride. Mr. eventually accepts the offer, and takes Celie into a difficult and joyless married life. Nettie runs away from Alphonso and takes refuge at Celie’s house. Mr. still desires Nettie, and when he advances on her she flees for her own safety. Never hearing from Nettie again, Celie assumes she is dead.
Mr.'s sister Kate feels sorry for Celie, and tells her to fight back against Mr. rather than submit to his abuses. Harpo, Mr.'s son, falls in love with a large, spunky girl named Sofia(Oprah Winfrey 분장). Shug Avery comes to town to sing at a local bar, but Celie is not allowed to go see her. Sofia becomes pregnant and marries Harpo. Celie is amazed by Sofia’s defiance in the face of Harpo’s and Mr.’s attempts to treat Sofia as an inferior. Harpo’s attempts to beat Sofia into submission consistently fail, as Sofia is by far the physically stronger of the two.
Shug falls ill and Mr. takes her into his house. Shug is initially rude to Celie, but the two women become friends as Celie takes charge of nursing Shug. Celie finds herself infatuated with Shug and attracted to her sexually. Frustrated with Harpo’s consistent attempts to subordinate her, Sofia moves out, taking her children. Several months later, Harpo opens a juke joint where Shug sings nightly. Celie grows confused over her feelings toward Shug.
Shug decides to stay when she learns that Mr .beats Celie when Shug is away. Shug and Celie’s relationship grows intimate, and Shug begins to ask Celie questions about sex. Sofia returns for a visit and promptly gets in a fight with Harpo’s new girlfriend, Squeak. In town one day, the mayor’s wife, Miss Millie, asks Sofia to work as her maid. Sofia answers with a sassy "Hell no." When the mayor slaps Sofia for her "insubordination", she returns the blow, knocking the mayor down. Sofia is sent to jail. Squeak’s attempts to get Sofia freed are futile. Sofia is sentenced to work for twelve years as the mayor’s maid.
Shug returns with a new husband, Grady. Despite her marriage, Shug instigates a sexual relationship with Celie, and the two frequently share the same bed. One night Shug asks Celie about her sister. Celie assumes Nettie is dead because she had promised to write to Celie, but never did. Shug says she has seen Mr. hide away numerous mysterious letters that have arrived in the mail. Shug manages to get her hands on one of these letters, and they find it is from Nettie. Searching through Mr.'s trunk, Celie and Shug find dozens of letters that Nettie has sent to Celie over the years. Overcome with emotion, Celie reads the letters in order, wondering how to keep herself from killing Mr.
The letters indicate that Nettie befriended a missionary couple, Samuel and Corrine, and traveled with them to Africa to do ministry work. Samuel and Corrine have two adopted children, Olivia and Adam. Nettie and Corrine become close friends, but Corrine, noticing that her adopted children resemble Nettie, wonders if Nettie and Samuel have a secret past. Increasingly suspicious, Corrine tries to limit Nettie’s role within her family.
Nettie becomes disillusioned with her missionary experience, as she finds the Africans self-centered and obstinate. Corrine becomes ill with a fever. Nettie asks Samuel to tell her how he adopted Olivia and Adam. Based on Samuel’s story, Nettie realizes that the two children are actually Celie’s biological children, alive after all. Nettie also learns that Alphonso is really only Nettie and Celie’s stepfather, not their real father. Their real father was a storeowner whom white men lynched because they resented his success. Alphonso told Celie and Nettie he was their real father because he wanted to inherit the house and property that was once their mother’s.
Nettie confesses to Samuel and Corrine that she is in fact their children’s biological aunt. The gravely ill Corrine refuses to believe Nettie. Corrine dies, but accepts Nettie’s story and feels reconciled just before her death. Meanwhile, Celie visits Alphonso, who confirms Nettie’s story, admitting that he is only the women’s stepfather. Celie begins to lose some of her faith in God, but Shug tries to get her to reimagine God in her own way, rather than in the traditional image of the old, bearded white man.
The mayor releases Sofia from her servitude six months early. At dinner one night, Celie finally releases her pent-up rage, angrily cursing Mr. for his years of abuse. Shug announces that she and Celie are moving to Tennessee, and Squeak decides to go with them. In Tennessee, Celie spends her time designing and sewing individually tailored pairs of pants, eventually turning her hobby into a business. Celie returns to Georgia for a visit, and finds that Mr. has reformed his ways, and Alphonso has died. Alphonso’s house and land are now hers, so she moves there.
Meanwhile, Nettie and Samuel marry and prepare to return to America. Before they leave, Samuel’s son, Adam, marries Tashi, a native African girl. Following African tradition, Tashi undergoes the painful rituals of female circumcision and facial scarring. In solidarity, Adam undergoes the same facial scarring ritual.
Celie and Mr. reconcile, and begin to genuinely enjoy each other’s company. Now independent financially, spiritually and emotionally, Celie is no longer bothered by Shug’s passing flings with younger men. Sofia remarries Harpo and now works in Celie’s clothing store. Nettie finally returns to America with Samuel and the children. Emotionally drained but exhilarated by the reunion with her sister, Celie notes that though she and Nettie are now old, she has never in her life felt younger.[2]
by wikipedia
Celie and her bright, pretty younger sister, Nettie, learn that a man known only as Mr. wants to marry Nettie. Mr. has a mistress named Shug Avery, a sultry lounge singer whose photograph fascinates Celie. Alphonso refuses to let Nettie marry, and instead offers Mr. the "ugly" Celie as a bride. Mr. eventually accepts the offer, and takes Celie into a difficult and joyless married life. Nettie runs away from Alphonso and takes refuge at Celie’s house. Mr. still desires Nettie, and when he advances on her she flees for her own safety. Never hearing from Nettie again, Celie assumes she is dead.
Mr.'s sister Kate feels sorry for Celie, and tells her to fight back against Mr. rather than submit to his abuses. Harpo, Mr.'s son, falls in love with a large, spunky girl named Sofia(Oprah Winfrey 분장). Shug Avery comes to town to sing at a local bar, but Celie is not allowed to go see her. Sofia becomes pregnant and marries Harpo. Celie is amazed by Sofia’s defiance in the face of Harpo’s and Mr.’s attempts to treat Sofia as an inferior. Harpo’s attempts to beat Sofia into submission consistently fail, as Sofia is by far the physically stronger of the two.
Shug falls ill and Mr. takes her into his house. Shug is initially rude to Celie, but the two women become friends as Celie takes charge of nursing Shug. Celie finds herself infatuated with Shug and attracted to her sexually. Frustrated with Harpo’s consistent attempts to subordinate her, Sofia moves out, taking her children. Several months later, Harpo opens a juke joint where Shug sings nightly. Celie grows confused over her feelings toward Shug.
Shug decides to stay when she learns that Mr .beats Celie when Shug is away. Shug and Celie’s relationship grows intimate, and Shug begins to ask Celie questions about sex. Sofia returns for a visit and promptly gets in a fight with Harpo’s new girlfriend, Squeak. In town one day, the mayor’s wife, Miss Millie, asks Sofia to work as her maid. Sofia answers with a sassy "Hell no." When the mayor slaps Sofia for her "insubordination", she returns the blow, knocking the mayor down. Sofia is sent to jail. Squeak’s attempts to get Sofia freed are futile. Sofia is sentenced to work for twelve years as the mayor’s maid.
Shug returns with a new husband, Grady. Despite her marriage, Shug instigates a sexual relationship with Celie, and the two frequently share the same bed. One night Shug asks Celie about her sister. Celie assumes Nettie is dead because she had promised to write to Celie, but never did. Shug says she has seen Mr. hide away numerous mysterious letters that have arrived in the mail. Shug manages to get her hands on one of these letters, and they find it is from Nettie. Searching through Mr.'s trunk, Celie and Shug find dozens of letters that Nettie has sent to Celie over the years. Overcome with emotion, Celie reads the letters in order, wondering how to keep herself from killing Mr.
The letters indicate that Nettie befriended a missionary couple, Samuel and Corrine, and traveled with them to Africa to do ministry work. Samuel and Corrine have two adopted children, Olivia and Adam. Nettie and Corrine become close friends, but Corrine, noticing that her adopted children resemble Nettie, wonders if Nettie and Samuel have a secret past. Increasingly suspicious, Corrine tries to limit Nettie’s role within her family.
Nettie becomes disillusioned with her missionary experience, as she finds the Africans self-centered and obstinate. Corrine becomes ill with a fever. Nettie asks Samuel to tell her how he adopted Olivia and Adam. Based on Samuel’s story, Nettie realizes that the two children are actually Celie’s biological children, alive after all. Nettie also learns that Alphonso is really only Nettie and Celie’s stepfather, not their real father. Their real father was a storeowner whom white men lynched because they resented his success. Alphonso told Celie and Nettie he was their real father because he wanted to inherit the house and property that was once their mother’s.
Nettie confesses to Samuel and Corrine that she is in fact their children’s biological aunt. The gravely ill Corrine refuses to believe Nettie. Corrine dies, but accepts Nettie’s story and feels reconciled just before her death. Meanwhile, Celie visits Alphonso, who confirms Nettie’s story, admitting that he is only the women’s stepfather. Celie begins to lose some of her faith in God, but Shug tries to get her to reimagine God in her own way, rather than in the traditional image of the old, bearded white man.
The mayor releases Sofia from her servitude six months early. At dinner one night, Celie finally releases her pent-up rage, angrily cursing Mr. for his years of abuse. Shug announces that she and Celie are moving to Tennessee, and Squeak decides to go with them. In Tennessee, Celie spends her time designing and sewing individually tailored pairs of pants, eventually turning her hobby into a business. Celie returns to Georgia for a visit, and finds that Mr. has reformed his ways, and Alphonso has died. Alphonso’s house and land are now hers, so she moves there.
Meanwhile, Nettie and Samuel marry and prepare to return to America. Before they leave, Samuel’s son, Adam, marries Tashi, a native African girl. Following African tradition, Tashi undergoes the painful rituals of female circumcision and facial scarring. In solidarity, Adam undergoes the same facial scarring ritual.
Celie and Mr. reconcile, and begin to genuinely enjoy each other’s company. Now independent financially, spiritually and emotionally, Celie is no longer bothered by Shug’s passing flings with younger men. Sofia remarries Harpo and now works in Celie’s clothing store. Nettie finally returns to America with Samuel and the children. Emotionally drained but exhilarated by the reunion with her sister, Celie notes that though she and Nettie are now old, she has never in her life felt younger.[2]
by wikipedia
The Color Purple: Alice Walker on Her Classic Novel, Speilberg's Film, and the Broadway
'Educated' Woman Berates Conductor Aboard New York Train
Published June 17, 2011 | FoxNews.com
A 2-minute YouTube video with at least 350,000 views prior to its removal early Friday depicted the unidentified woman talking loudly as she is approached by a female conductor aboard a Metro-North train in New York. After being accused of using profanity on the train, the young woman proudly touts her educational background while denying those claims.
"I was not cursing," she said. "Do you know what schools I've been to and how well-educated I am?"
The conductor then tells the woman someone was heard saying the "f-bomb" nearby.
"I'm sorry, do you think I'm a little hoodlum? How dare you think I was being profane," she said.
After being asked to leave the train, the woman then demands her money back during her trip to her "parent's house" in Garrison, N.Y., roughly 50 miles north of New York City. She later exits the train, seemingly without further incident.
Marjorie Anders, a Metro-North spokeswoman, told FoxNews.com that the incident occurred around 10 p.m. aboard a New York City-bound train on June 14.
"[The conductor] showed great restraint and she typifies the professionalism of our entire crew," Anders said. "We're proud of her behavior. This is an unusual incident. Most of our train rides are extremely uneventful -- and that's just the way we like it."
The video, meanwhile, is no longer available because the individual who uploaded it has closed their YouTube account.
Fox News' Joshua Rhett Miller contributed to this report.
출처: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/06/17/educated-woman-berates-conductor-aboard-new-york-train/#ixzz1Pt8nomP8
posted by 써니의 뉴욕노트 & 잭스피킹 호흡영어