Organ Practice at Riverside Church New York City
Christmas Eve at St. Patrick's Cathedral, NY 2009
Christmas in St. Patricks Cathedral New York, 2007
2011 Radio City Christmas Show Rockettes Reindeers
Radio City Christmas Spectacular Starring The Rockettes
Shakira - Santa Baby
Beyoncé - Silent Night
Christmas in New York By Shilelagh Law
가사와 함께 동영상 보기
there's snow in the air
winter is here
the wind in blowing
and outsides so clear
there's presents to wrap
and cards to send
it's christmas in new york again
there's somebody singing a holiday song
you pick up the tune and start singing along
you learned the words some time way back when
its christmas in new york again
fancy store windows and millions of lights
downtown in december, what a fabulous sight
you spin round and round trying to take it all in
its christmas in new york again
but as you gather round the table
with everyone you feel that something has been left undone
the tree is all trimmed, your shopping is through
but there's one last thing you still have to do
its christmas eve, 11 pm
you walk down to the church and you quietly go in
you kneel down in the last pew right on the aisle
and say "god i know its been a while
but can you do me a favor on this christmas eve
can you send some blessing to people for me
you know these past few months have been kinda tough
and we could all use a little love
so bless new york finest, our angels in blue
giving us hope and helping us through
and bless new yorks bravest, the f.d.n.y.
giving their sweat and their tears and their lives
and bless all the medics and our troops over seas
bless the guys in the hardhats, removing debris
bless the everyday people who answered the call
bless those who gave some and those who gave all
bless all the souls who left us this year
you may be gone but you'll always be hear
singing and dancing with family and friends
its christmas in new york again
and theres snow in the air
winter is here
the wind is blowing and outsides so clear
there's presents to wrap and cards to send
its christmas in new york again
fa la la la la la la la la la
it's christmas in new york again
winter is here
the wind in blowing
and outsides so clear
there's presents to wrap
and cards to send
it's christmas in new york again
there's somebody singing a holiday song
you pick up the tune and start singing along
you learned the words some time way back when
its christmas in new york again
fancy store windows and millions of lights
downtown in december, what a fabulous sight
you spin round and round trying to take it all in
its christmas in new york again
but as you gather round the table
with everyone you feel that something has been left undone
the tree is all trimmed, your shopping is through
but there's one last thing you still have to do
its christmas eve, 11 pm
you walk down to the church and you quietly go in
you kneel down in the last pew right on the aisle
and say "god i know its been a while
but can you do me a favor on this christmas eve
can you send some blessing to people for me
you know these past few months have been kinda tough
and we could all use a little love
so bless new york finest, our angels in blue
giving us hope and helping us through
and bless new yorks bravest, the f.d.n.y.
giving their sweat and their tears and their lives
and bless all the medics and our troops over seas
bless the guys in the hardhats, removing debris
bless the everyday people who answered the call
bless those who gave some and those who gave all
bless all the souls who left us this year
you may be gone but you'll always be hear
singing and dancing with family and friends
its christmas in new york again
and theres snow in the air
winter is here
the wind is blowing and outsides so clear
there's presents to wrap and cards to send
its christmas in new york again
fa la la la la la la la la la
it's christmas in new york again
크리스마스 트리는 왜 이렇게 반짝거릴까?
Christmas Tree Animations provided by MUDTRAP.COM
크리스마스 츄리의 유래
마치 바늘과 실의 관계 처럼 성탄에 널리 유행하는 "크리스마스 트리"의 관습은 고대 "애급"에서의 동지제(冬至祭) 때의 나뭇가지 장식, "로마" 축제 행렬에서의 촛불을 단 월계수 가지 장식 등 옛날의 성목(聖木) 숭배에 그 기원을 두고있다.
흔히 "크리스마스 트리"로 전나무를 사용하게 된데는 전설이 있다. 8세기경 독일에 파견된 선교사 "오딘"은 신성하다는 떡갈나무에 사람을 제물로 바치는 야만적 풍습을 중지시키기 위해 옆의 전나무를 가리키며 " 이 나무 가지를 가지고 집에 돌아가 아기 예수의 탄생을 축하하라"고 설교한데서부터 비롯됐다는 것이다.
현대를 사는 모든 성실한 종교개혁의 후예들, 정통 신앙의 말씀 중심의 그리스도인들에게 오늘 하나님께서는 말씀 하신다. "너는 허망한 풍설을 전파하지 말며 악인과 연합하여 무함하는 증인이 되지 말며 다수를 따라 악을 행하지 말라."(출23:1~2)
종교 개혁자인 마르틴 루터가 크리스마스 이브 밤 중에 숲속을 산책하고 있었다. 마르틴 루터는 평소 어둡던 숲이 등불을 켜놓은 듯이 환하게 빛나는 것을 보고 깜짝 놀랐다. 영롱한 달빛이 소복하게 눈이 쌓인 전나무 위에 비쳐서, 주변을 환하게 비춰서 빛의 향연을 벌이고 있었던 것이다. 그것을 본 마르틴 루터는 순간 중요한 깨달음을 얻었다.
“인간은 저 전나무와도 같다. 한 개인은 어둠 속의 초라한 나무와도 같지만
예수님의 빛을 받으면 주변에 아름다운 빛을 비추일 수 있는 존재이다.”
출처: 위키백과
너도 나도~
크리스마스 트리 같은 사람이 되고 싶다~
크리스마스 트리 같은 사람이 되고 싶다~
posted by Sunny in New York