92 year-old Yoga master
위 동영상 내용
Shut your eyes, and travel up the ladder of life. Up each of the chakras, breathing in the breath of life. Breathe out peace. Well I teach yoga, I've been teaching yoga for 42 years. And um, uh.. still teaching. After decades of dedication, Ms. Porchon Lynch is considered a yoga master by many of her peers and followers, for her take is a bit different. I'm a yoga beginner, I'm still learning. Even as a child, Ms. Porchon Lynch had a mind of her own and knew her path, careful not to let others deter her from following it. I have been involved with yoga when I was a child in India. And I started doing yoga in India, oh, and I just saw some boys doing it and my aunt said it's not lady-like for girls to do it. I said well if boys can do it, I can do it, and I'm going to do it. Not only can she do it, but at 92, she's still doing it and inspiring folks that they can too. Yoga is the dance of life within us. I think we, when we learn that the energy that's everywhere, you know, if you sort of take a, a small piece of land, and millions of plates of grass there and flowers.., tiny ones, big ones, tiny insects, big insects, uh, everything, they're all pulsating with the same heart beat as our own. And when we can feel this within us, then we can do yoga. And to me, that was very important. I want to know what what's in this world without pain. And if I can, uh, really, uh, teach yoga, and do a good job, I can see an expression on peoples' faces, "Oh, I didn't know I could do that", you know, and I find it's so helpful, I can help other people as well as helping myself. And helping inspire others is what she does, believing she gets as much from her students as she gives. I have noticed much from my students as I have from the masters. Every, I like when my students ask me questions because I c.. I consider them jewels. I, I think they help me in teaching better. And what, I don't walk in and try and tell everybody to do the same thing. Our bodies are not all alike. So you can't tell everybody to get into a posture in exactly the same way. Seemingly a source of boundless energy, a humble and wise master, her practice has proven you can energize your whole body, regardless of age. Since Cindy believed we could recycle our body, that we could start to work on it and we can get energy moving throughout... The most important I think is to keep going, and to, uh.., the more energy you put into something, and uh I.. I.. I'm not talking about noisy energy, not screaming. I don't like noise, but to, to tune into something and know that I can do it, inside of me is the creation of life. And If I can awaken that inside of me, then there's nothing I cannot do.
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