미국에서 직업을 갖으려면 지원서 즉, application을 써야 하는데 거기에는 메꾸어야할 여러 란 중에 child support에 대한 내용이 있다. 직업을 갖기전에 책임져야할 자식이 있는지 신고를 해야는데 "법을 지키지 않으면 쇠고랑을 채우겠다(체포해서 감옥에 넣겠다)."는 것이다. 쇠고랑을 차지 않으려면(감옥에 가지 않으려면), "나는 책임질 피붙이자식을 O명 가지고 있습니다."라고 정확하게 기재해야한다. 이 세상의 아이들은 다 부모를 갖고 태어나게 된다. 어머니나 아버지 한쪽만 가지고 태어난 아이는 없다. 아이가 18세, 성인이 되기전까지는 이 양쪽 부모의 도움이 필요한 것이다. 한 생명이 태어나서 그 생명이 자신의 몫을 하기전까지 보살핌이 필요한데 그 보살핌이 우선 양부모(parents)이면 좋겠지만 어머니나 아버지가 그 역활을 같이(함께) 수행할 수 없게 되는 경우가 발생하게 된다. 미국에서는 이 부분을 도덕적으로 책임져야하는 범위를 넘어서 법으로 제정해서 그 당사자들에게 제제를 가한다. 이러한 법은 단순히 개인을 제제하기 위한 것 뿐만 아니라 궁극적으로는 그들이 낳은 자식(child or children)을 위한 것이다. 이 세상에 자식을 낳고 나몰라라 하면서는 부모가 될 수 없다(자격이 없다)는 것이다. 아이들을 낳은 부모라고 할지라도 역활을 제대로 수행하지 않는 것이 발견되면 쇼셜워커가 와서 아이를 데리고 간다. 부모의 자격을 박탈시키는 것이다. 시대의 변화에 따라 남녀가 만나서 아이들을 낳고 예전처럼 마음에 맞지 않는데 참으면서 같이 살아가는 것은 먼 옛날 이야기가 되어가고 있다. 서로 헤어지는 것이야 합의를 해서 그렇게 할 수 있다지만 그들이 낳은 생명체는 책임을 져야한다. 부모가 헤어지게 되면 아이들 양육은 어머니가 갖게 되는 경우가 더 잦다. 아이를 양육하게 되는 쪽에서는 그렇지 않은 쪽에 일정기간 아이를 가지고 있을 수 있는 배려를 해야한다. 양육을 맡은 어머니는 아이들을 돌보아야도 하지만 자신의 인생도 살아가야하고 전남편(ex-husband)이 다른 여자와 새 삶을 살고 있어도 그들에게 아이들을 보내는 것을 허락해야한다. 부부가 헤어져도 그 사이에서 낳은 아이들은 양부모를 부모로 갖고 싶어한다는것을 감안한다면 지극히 당연한 일이다. 미국에서는 우리문화 안에서 자주 쓰는 희생(sacrifice)이란 단어가 거의 쓰여지지 않는다. 아이를 가지고 있다면 피할 수 없는 것이 바로 child support인데 이 법이 제정된 것을 살펴보자. 영화는 실화를 근거로 만들어졌다.
영화 줄거리
그동안 자식들에게 진 빗을 갚지 않으면 감옥에 가야한다니, 자식을 버리고 도망가서 나몰라라하고 새 삶을 살던 아버지들이 여기저기서 감옥으로 가지 않으려고 나타난다.
마돈나 "Celebration" "Hung Up" "Like a Virgin" 미국년 소리 듣기도 싫어? 그런 너~ 나도 싫다. 꺼져!
남자 뒤를 종종걸음으로 따라가는 여자, 난 그 여자가 싫다! 니(남자)가 나(여자)를 선택하지 않고 내(여자)가 널(남자) 선택하고 싶다. 한국여자와 미국여자에 대해 한번 생각해보는 시간 갖길 바란다.
그녀를 사랑한다면~
Fathers' rights movement
Abandoned and Deceived
A divorced father refuses to pay maintenance for his two sons, prompting his poverty-stricken former wife to campaign for family rights and a change in the law.
Full House's Lori Loughlin is the primary reason to stick withAbandoned and Deceived (ABC, March 20, 9-11 p.m.), the fictionalizedportrait of a real-life divorced woman who battled bureaucracy to gether deadbeat husband to pay child support. Loughlin plays GerriAnderson, whose ratty hubby, Doug (Brian Kerwin), leaves Gerri andher two little sons. In the first hour, Gerri hits bottom-she can'tfind a decent job; she can't buy her kids new clothes; she doesn'tget any help from a mean, misogynistic social-services worker playedby that nice Gordon Clapp from NYPD Blue. In the second hour, pluckyGerri forms ACES, the dubiously derived acronym for the Associationfor Children for Enforcement of Child Support, and she is transformedinto a feminist hero. Writer-director Joseph Dougherty(thirtysomething) makes everything a little too obvious, but Loughlindoes a lot to add complexity to her role. Her carefully shadedperformance gives Abandoned and Deceived a depth and poignancy itmight otherwise have lacked. B-
참고: http://www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,296461,00.html
'Abandoned And Deceived' Tells The True Story
KIDS and cash are at the root of grownup problems in ABC's "Abandoned and Deceived" which airs tonight at 9.
The film stars Lori Loughlin as Gerri Jensen, a newly divorced mom who runs into financial trouble when her ex (played by Brian Kerwin) stops paying child support and disappears.
Working three jobs and caring for two young boys, Jensen finds she can't make ends meet. So she decides to try to force her deadbeat husband into living up to his responsibilities.
The other day, Loughlin pointed out that, in this true-life case, Jensen didn't ask for alimony, only child support. And when the checks stopped coming and she went after the money, Jensen ended up being placed on the defensive.
Abandoned And Deceived
"People were trying to punish her," said Loughlin. "And she kept saying, 'It's for the kids.' "
"NYPD Blue's" Gordon Clapp plays a bitter bureaucrat who, Jensen discovers, has purposely held up her support-claim paperwork as part of a personal vendetta against his own support-seeking wife.
Jensen's real-life struggles resulted in the formation of A.C.E.S. the Association for Children for Enforcement of Child Support, which helps parents get money owed to their children.
"She was forced to really fight," said Loughlin, "and she really made a difference."
Both Loughlin and Clapp admit to knowing people who have been caught in similar child-support situations, which, for them, compounded the importance of the film.
People are turning to TV movies, Clapp said, as a source of information about relevant subjects, and look at telefilms, he said, "as if they were documentaries."
But while this true story is dramatized, there is a lesson to be learned.
"There are different cases of need, and there is going to be abuse on both sides," said Clapp. "But there needs to be responsibility on the part of the one who is supposed to be paying the support. It's not about the parents," he said. "It's about the kids."
참고: http://articles.nydailynews.com/1995-03-20/entertainment/17964660_1_child-support-lori-loughlin-gerri-jensen
The True Story Behind the Movie Abandoned and Deceived
by Traciy Curry-Reyes
Women started developed names for this group of fathers who refused to help support their children, knowing that the single mothers were struggling. These non paying fathers became deadbeat, deadbeat dads, delinquent dads, and well....just simply deadbeats. Other states followed suit. For the first time these states started making these deadbeat dads accountable for fathering children, leaving, and not helping support their children financially. Not only are these non paying dads being publically humiliated, but they are subject to being imprisoned for not paying.
Gerri started making headlines all over the US. Her case was the subject of news shows and talk shows alike. Gerry hit the talk show circuit to let all the singles mothers know that they were not alone. She let them know that her organization helps single mothers and single fathers get collect their child support payments. To make it easier on the fathers, there are payment set ups to help them. If they don't pay they go to jail. Most of these fathers don't want to do jail time so they find a way to come up with the money. You have men who challenged Gerri's cause. Many of the dad's stated that their jobs just don't pay enough, and that it is embarrassing and traumatizing for the kids to have their father's put in jail. Statistically when fathers are put in jail for not making payments, they find a way to make the payment in most cases. So it is a system that seems to work.
Child Support Timeline (Geraldine Jensen Ohio Case)
1977: Gerri divorces her husband
1985: Geraldine Jensen's case hits the press
Ohio state laws concerning child support toughen up. People who won the lottery had to sign a declaration that they do not owe child support payments.
1986: Gerri Jensen's group comes to the attention of the media. At the time there were over 4 million single women who were trying to collect child support payments.
1988: Ohio recalculates how much child support an absent parent should be required to pay.
Banks and landlords look at an absent parents' record to see if they are evading their child support payments. Landlords also look for this in order to reject an application for housing.
1989: Gerri Jensen starts receiving her child support payments.
1990: More single fathers try to fight back by filing for joint and sole custody to reduce child support payments.Ohio loses an appeal to avoid a penalty of $5 million dollar for child support. Complaints are made that the child support rules cost the states millions of dollars.
2004: Geraldine Jensen had a bit of drama and stepped down due to fraud accusations. She was accused of increasing the number of members for her organization in order to get new members and for grants. Jensen stated that they actually have more than the 50,000 members on record. As for the fraud cases, it appears that a woman named Patricia Lisa Redieck, age 36, was responsible for faking Geraldine Jensen's signature on some checks in the early 2000's. Jensen's organization has always come under fire by various sources who resent the work that she has done and for her role in helping shape child support laws. Geraldine Jensen officially retires from her organization. Jensen publishes a book entitled Child Support A Complete reference.
2006: Jensen publishes the book How to Collect Child Support
Geraldine has gone on to write books on child support.She has been given the Heinz Award, the Ohio Mother of the Year Award, the Gleitsman Citizen Activist Award, and she was entered into the Ohio Women's Hall of Fame. She is now a public speaker and she continues to help government agencies.
2012: Stephen E. Gerharter, Geraldine's ex husband, died when he had some sort of medical issue while driving in Nebraska. He was found by passers by in a burning car. He was pulled from the car and taken to a nearby hospital where he expired. He had been married to the same woman since 1979 after his divorce from Gerri.
참고: http://abandonedanddeceivedmovie.blogspot.com/
섹스 어쩌구 하는 영화만 들여다 보지 말고 제발 시간을 내서 영화를 보길바래!
총을 쏜뒤 뒷수습은 하지 않으려는 남자들, 아래 올린 소리를 한번 들어봐라!
Child Support는 그 섹스와 뜨거운 사랑을 엔조이한 댓가라는 것을 잊지 말아!