When I went to Europe I saw so many art works. When I went to the western side of the United States I saw many man-made miracles of nature. The bible says, “All that you have comes from God. That means that God is responsible for all of these miracles and that in a sense, belong to him. When everything was taken from us, I wondered weather God had taken them along with my soul. When this happened, my family sang gospel songs and asked God to help us see the truth. People were doing things to us in his name. We didn’t know what to believe. We prayed to God to help us to forgive them. Mr. Lee goes to church every Sunday. Yet he never answers our questions. And we just followed him.
One day my family was waiting for the priest. He had told us that he would visit us and pray with us. He and his wife brought a pack of rice and a box of oranges. When they arrived, we were ashamed of ourselves because we had been suspicious of them.
We prayed to God to show us the truth. Is he fake, or is he truly a friend? He left us with an empty feeling. Then one day we noticed that Mr. Lee gave the priest our money. After that we talked to other people at the church about Mr. Lee. They said, “Don’t believe him. He is a con man. He takes money from the people” A few days later the priest returned $1500 to us from the $2500 we had given Mr. Lee. The priest thought that we would be satisfied with that and become regular members of church. From that time on, we lost faith in the church and Jack stopped contributing to it. The priest prayed for the family who contributed to the church. When he praying, he announced the family’s name who contributed. The announcement was so obvious, because only our family didn’t contributed. The priest expected the money he gave us will back to the church again. We did not believe the church any more. After service, we just walk to the bus stop. We did not know that there’s no bus on Sunday. It was so hungry and cold on the street waiting for the bus.
New immigrants coming to America, they will get happen same as we. Flushing is a hungry, poor, sad, sorrow town after all.
글 안에 그리 어려운 영어는 없으리라봅니다만, 이해가 잘 안되시면 좌측에 구글에서 제공하는 "☞영어로 쓰인 글을 한글로 보기"가 있습니다. 클릭해서 보시면 이해하는데 참고가 될 것 같습니다.
번역기는 생각외로 오차가 아주 많아서 직접 읽는 것이 좋습니다.
감사는 마음에서 우러나야지 남이 하니까 하고 강요에 의해서 하는 것이 아닌데...
돈 많은 사람은 천당엘 가고 돈 없는 사람은 지옥에 간다?
만약 그게 사실이라면 천당으로 가는 길이 아무리 밝아도 체인(돈)으로 묶인 몸을 이끌고 가기 힘들 것 같습니다.
크리스찬이라면 한번쯤 생각해볼 문제입니다.
네 이웃을 생각하라?
더 이기적인 나는 아닌지?
어쩌다 한번씩 교회에 간다고 하는 분에게 같이 교회에 나가자고 한적이 있습니다.
연락이 없더니
오늘, 그분이 먼저
절 생각하는 일을 하셨습니다.
먼저 그분을 생각치 못한 제가 크리스찬이라고 스스로 말하기가
정말 부끄러웠습니다.
posted by Sunny in New York
One day my family was waiting for the priest. He had told us that he would visit us and pray with us. He and his wife brought a pack of rice and a box of oranges. When they arrived, we were ashamed of ourselves because we had been suspicious of them.
We prayed to God to show us the truth. Is he fake, or is he truly a friend? He left us with an empty feeling. Then one day we noticed that Mr. Lee gave the priest our money. After that we talked to other people at the church about Mr. Lee. They said, “Don’t believe him. He is a con man. He takes money from the people” A few days later the priest returned $1500 to us from the $2500 we had given Mr. Lee. The priest thought that we would be satisfied with that and become regular members of church. From that time on, we lost faith in the church and Jack stopped contributing to it. The priest prayed for the family who contributed to the church. When he praying, he announced the family’s name who contributed. The announcement was so obvious, because only our family didn’t contributed. The priest expected the money he gave us will back to the church again. We did not believe the church any more. After service, we just walk to the bus stop. We did not know that there’s no bus on Sunday. It was so hungry and cold on the street waiting for the bus.
New immigrants coming to America, they will get happen same as we. Flushing is a hungry, poor, sad, sorrow town after all.
글 안에 그리 어려운 영어는 없으리라봅니다만, 이해가 잘 안되시면 좌측에 구글에서 제공하는 "☞영어로 쓰인 글을 한글로 보기"가 있습니다. 클릭해서 보시면 이해하는데 참고가 될 것 같습니다.
번역기는 생각외로 오차가 아주 많아서 직접 읽는 것이 좋습니다.
감사는 마음에서 우러나야지 남이 하니까 하고 강요에 의해서 하는 것이 아닌데...
돈 많은 사람은 천당엘 가고 돈 없는 사람은 지옥에 간다?
만약 그게 사실이라면 천당으로 가는 길이 아무리 밝아도 체인(돈)으로 묶인 몸을 이끌고 가기 힘들 것 같습니다.
크리스찬이라면 한번쯤 생각해볼 문제입니다.
네 이웃을 생각하라?
더 이기적인 나는 아닌지?
어쩌다 한번씩 교회에 간다고 하는 분에게 같이 교회에 나가자고 한적이 있습니다.
연락이 없더니
오늘, 그분이 먼저
절 생각하는 일을 하셨습니다.
먼저 그분을 생각치 못한 제가 크리스찬이라고 스스로 말하기가
정말 부끄러웠습니다.
posted by Sunny in New York