뉴욕에 살면서 이런 뉴스는 수도 없이 듣는다. 길에서 소매치기를 당하는 사람, 강간을 당하는 여자, 칼에 찔린 사람, 총에 맞은 사람.... 심지어 코 앞에서 사건이 벌어져도 나몰라라 하는 곳이 뉴욕이다. 바쁜 세상에 (황금 같은) 내 시간을 남을 위해 빼앗기고 싶지 않은 사람들, 특히나 뉴욕은 다른 도시에 비해 더 심할 수 있다. 그런데 자신을 지독히 사랑하는
사람들은 이렇게 차가운(cold-hearted) 사람들 안에 자신이 속한다는 것을 모르고 그 사람만 나쁘다고 손가락질한다.
홈레스 남자가 길에서 강도를 만난 여자를 구하고 강도가 찌른 칼에 찔려 쓰러졌지만 응급차가 도착 할 때까지, 사건 발생후 1시간 20분동안 지나가던 행인들은 아무도 그를 구할 생각을 하지 않았다. 사람들은 쓰러져 있는 그를 보고 그냥 지나갔을 뿐이다. 심지어 어떤이는 살아 있는지 몸을 뒤척여 보고 피를 보자 얼른 일어나서 그냥 가던 길을 갔고 휴대용 전화기 카메라에 이 죽어가는 사람의 모습을 담는 사람도 있었다.
(CBS/AP) The homeless man lay face down, unmoving, on the sidewalk outside an apartment building, blood from knife wounds pooling underneath his body.
One person passed by in the early morning. Then another, and another. Video footage from a surveillance camera shows at least seven people going by, some turning their heads to look, others stopping to gawk. One even lifted the homeless man's body, exposing what appeared to be blood on the sidewalk underneath him, before walking away.
(Scroll down to watch a report from CBS News Station WCBS-TV in New York)
It wasn't until after the 31-year-old Guatemalan immigrant had been lying there for nearly an hour that emergency workers arrived, and by then, it was too late. Hugo Alfredo Tale-Yax - who police said was stabbed while intervening to help a woman being attacked - had died.
"I think it's horrific," said Marla Cohan, who teaches at P.S. 82, a school across the street from where Tale-Yax died. "I think people are just afraid to step in; they don't want to get involved; who knows what their reasons are?"
Tale-Yax was walking behind a man and a woman on 144th Street in the Jamaica section of Queens around 6 a.m. April 18 when the couple got into a fight that became physical, according to police, who pieced together what happened from surveillance footage and interviews with area residents.
Tale-Yax was stabbed several times when he intervened to help the woman, NYPD spokesman Paul Browne said. She and the other man fled in different directions, and Tale-Yax pursued the man before collapsing.
Police are looking for the female victim and the male suspect wanted in connection with the man's death, CBS News Station WCBS-TV in New York reports.
A 911 call of a woman screaming came in around 6 a.m., but when officers responded to the address that was given, no one was there, police said. Another call came in around 7 a.m., saying a man was lying on the street, but gave the wrong address. Finally, around 7:20 a.m., someone called 911 to report a man had possibly been stabbed at 144th Street and 88th Road.
Police and firefighters arrived a few minutes later to find Tale-Yax dead. Officials say they're not sure whether the man was still alive when passers-by opted not to help him.
(CBS/AP) The homeless man lay face down, unmoving, on the sidewalk outside an apartment building, blood from knife wounds pooling underneath his body.
One person passed by in the early morning. Then another, and another. Video footage from a surveillance camera shows at least seven people going by, some turning their heads to look, others stopping to gawk. One even lifted the homeless man's body, exposing what appeared to be blood on the sidewalk underneath him, before walking away.
(Scroll down to watch a report from CBS News Station WCBS-TV in New York)
It wasn't until after the 31-year-old Guatemalan immigrant had been lying there for nearly an hour that emergency workers arrived, and by then, it was too late. Hugo Alfredo Tale-Yax - who police said was stabbed while intervening to help a woman being attacked - had died.
"I think it's horrific," said Marla Cohan, who teaches at P.S. 82, a school across the street from where Tale-Yax died. "I think people are just afraid to step in; they don't want to get involved; who knows what their reasons are?"
Tale-Yax was walking behind a man and a woman on 144th Street in the Jamaica section of Queens around 6 a.m. April 18 when the couple got into a fight that became physical, according to police, who pieced together what happened from surveillance footage and interviews with area residents.
Tale-Yax was stabbed several times when he intervened to help the woman, NYPD spokesman Paul Browne said. She and the other man fled in different directions, and Tale-Yax pursued the man before collapsing.
Police are looking for the female victim and the male suspect wanted in connection with the man's death, CBS News Station WCBS-TV in New York reports.
A 911 call of a woman screaming came in around 6 a.m., but when officers responded to the address that was given, no one was there, police said. Another call came in around 7 a.m., saying a man was lying on the street, but gave the wrong address. Finally, around 7:20 a.m., someone called 911 to report a man had possibly been stabbed at 144th Street and 88th Road.
Police and firefighters arrived a few minutes later to find Tale-Yax dead. Officials say they're not sure whether the man was still alive when passers-by opted not to help him.
Local Video from CBS 2 HD in New York
Residents who regularly pass by the same stretch of sidewalk, in a
working-class neighborhood of low-rise apartment buildings and fast food
restaurants near a busy boulevard, were unnerved by the way Tale-Yax
"Is anybody human anymore?" asked Raechelle Groce, visiting her grandmother at a nearby building on Monday. "What's wrong with humanity?"
In the urban environment, it's not unusual to see people on the street, sleeping or under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
But even assuming the person they've just passed is drunk, instead of injured, is no reason not to notify authorities, said Seth Herman, another teacher at the school. He remembered calling an ambulance when seeing a man who appeared to be homeless on the street, with a beer bottle near by.
He called 911, he said, because "I felt it wasn't my job to figure out if the person was drunk or actually hurt."
Groce agreed.
"I just think that's horrible, whether you're homeless or not," she said. "He's a human being; he needs help."
이 홈레스가 과테말라에서 고향을 등지고 나올 때는 뉴욕에 가서 열심히 일해서 고향에 있는 아버지에게 땅 살 돈을 부치겠다고 했지만 현실은 그의 일용직 일조차 잃게 만들었다. 고향에 있는 아버지와의 전화 인터뷰에서 아버지는 그의 그런 계획이 현실과 멀다는 것을 모르고 있었다. 경찰은 그의 사진을 사람들에게 보여서 연락온 형에 의해 신원을 확인할 수 있었다. 그의 가족 중에 한 명이 생일 파티에 가다가 길에서 그가 홈리스로 살고있는 것을 보게된 것이 불과 몇달전 일이었다. 그는 맨해튼, 부르클린 등으로 쉘터를 옮겨 다니고 있었다. 가족들에게 그가 처한 상황을 숨기고 도움도 청하지 않고 결국은 길에서 죽고 말았다. 그의 시신은 고향땅 그가 세례받은 침례교회 옆에 있는 공동묘지에 묻히게 될 것이라고 한다.
<뉴욕 타임즈>
"Is anybody human anymore?" asked Raechelle Groce, visiting her grandmother at a nearby building on Monday. "What's wrong with humanity?"
In the urban environment, it's not unusual to see people on the street, sleeping or under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
But even assuming the person they've just passed is drunk, instead of injured, is no reason not to notify authorities, said Seth Herman, another teacher at the school. He remembered calling an ambulance when seeing a man who appeared to be homeless on the street, with a beer bottle near by.
He called 911, he said, because "I felt it wasn't my job to figure out if the person was drunk or actually hurt."
Groce agreed.
"I just think that's horrible, whether you're homeless or not," she said. "He's a human being; he needs help."
이 홈레스가 과테말라에서 고향을 등지고 나올 때는 뉴욕에 가서 열심히 일해서 고향에 있는 아버지에게 땅 살 돈을 부치겠다고 했지만 현실은 그의 일용직 일조차 잃게 만들었다. 고향에 있는 아버지와의 전화 인터뷰에서 아버지는 그의 그런 계획이 현실과 멀다는 것을 모르고 있었다. 경찰은 그의 사진을 사람들에게 보여서 연락온 형에 의해 신원을 확인할 수 있었다. 그의 가족 중에 한 명이 생일 파티에 가다가 길에서 그가 홈리스로 살고있는 것을 보게된 것이 불과 몇달전 일이었다. 그는 맨해튼, 부르클린 등으로 쉘터를 옮겨 다니고 있었다. 가족들에게 그가 처한 상황을 숨기고 도움도 청하지 않고 결국은 길에서 죽고 말았다. 그의 시신은 고향땅 그가 세례받은 침례교회 옆에 있는 공동묘지에 묻히게 될 것이라고 한다.
<뉴욕 타임즈>
까뮈의 이방인 첫 페이지를 소개한다.
오늘 어머니가 돌아가셨다. 어쩌면 어제였는지도 모른다. 난 양로원으로부터 전보 한 장을 받았다. "Mother passed away. Funeral tomorrow. Your Sincerely." 양로원은 알제리에서 50 마일 떨어진 마랑고에 있다. 두시 버스를 타면 오후에는 도착할 것이다. 사장에게 이틀간의 휴가를 신청했다. 그는 나의 어머니가 돌아가셨기 때문에 그 청을 거절할 수가 없었다. 하지만 기분좋은 기색은 아니었다. 나는 그에게 말했다. "It's not my fault." 그는 대꾸하지 않았다. 여느 때처럼 식당에 들러 점심을 먹었다. 다들 나를 위로해 주었다. 친구집에 들러 상복을 빌려입고 두시 버스를 탔다. ..... 양로원에서의 냉담한 일들... 돌아와 수영장에 갔고 여자친구와 섹스를 하고 .... 여느날과 다를 바 없다.
나는 아무 상관 없는 한 인간을 죽인다. 왜 죽였는지 나도 모른다. 그냥 날이 너무 더워서?
까뮈의 이방인을 처음 읽었을 때는 1)이렇게 차가운 감정을 가진 사람이 있다는 사실에 놀랐고 2)이 차가운 감정을 바깥으로 표출했을 때는 사람들로부터 손가락질 당하고 이것은 돌이킬 수 없는 현실로 화(禍, 재앙)가 되어 돌아온다는 것을 알았다. 그리고나서 3)나도 이 차가운 감정을 가진 사람이라는 사실을 알게 되는데는 꽤 많은 시간이 걸렸고 그 사실은 서서히 나를 그리스도 앞으로 인도하였다.
죄와 벌(영화감상)-John Simm
A Cry for Help
posted by Sunnie in New York