영어성경과 퀴즈(1~2), Bible Stories
문제 1. On Day One, what did God do?
① Made dry land appear
② Divided the waters under the firmament
③ Divided the light from the darkness
④ Gathered together the waters into seas
문제 2. On what day of creation did God create man?
① First
② Fourth
③ Fifth
④ Sixth
문제 3. What did God use to create Adam?
① Clay
② Dust
③ Ashes
④ Mire
문제 4. Who named the animals?
① God
② Adam
③ Eve
④ Noah
문제 5. What animal was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made?
① The pygarg
② The behemoth
③ The serpent
④ The coney
문제 6. Where in Eden did the LORD God plant a garden?
① Eastward
② Southward
③ Northward
④ Westward
문제 7. What was placed at the east of the garden of Eden, to keep the way of the tree of life?
① Angels, and a flaming lamp
② Cherubim, and a flaming sword
③ Seraphim, and a flaming torch
④ Rephaim, and a flaming wall
출처: http://quiz.christiansunite.com/
답은 신약성경 순서 영어로 읽고 말하기에 있습니다.
문제 1. Why did Adam call his wife Eve?
① She was the firstborn among women
② She was a help meet fit for him
③ She was the mother of all living
④ She was taken out of man
문제 2. What kind of leaves did Adam and Eve use in an attempt to cover their nakedness?
① Fig
② Sycamore
③ Palm
④ Olive
문제 3. After Adam and Eve sinned, what did God make for them?
① A garment of fig leaves
② Coats of skin
③ Clothing made from the dust of the earth
④ A loincloth of pure linen
문제 4. What kept Adam and Eve from returning to the Garden of Eden?
① Cherubim with a flaming sword
② Cherubim with a double edged sword
③ An angel with a firey spear
④ An archangel with a scroll
문제 5. How many children did Adam and Eve have?
① 2
② 3
③ 4
④ More than 4
문제 6. Who was Adam and Eve's first son?
① Seth
② Abel
③ Cain
④ Lamech
문제 7. Which of Adam and Eve's sons was 'a keeper of sheep'?
① Enosh
② Cain
③ Seth
④ Abel
문제 8. Which of Adam and Eve's sons was 'a tiller of the ground'?
① Enosh
② Cain
③ Seth
④ Abel
문제 9. What son did Eve say God gave her in place of Abel?
① Enosh
② Enoch
③ Seth
④ Cain
문제 10. How many years did Adam live?
① 930
② 820
③ 890
④ 750
출처: http://quiz.christiansunite.com/
답은 마이클 스미스 "Awesome God"에 있습니다.