리치 멀린스의 생애와 "Step By Step (Sometimes By Step)"
Sunny in New York
2013. 8. 11. 07:58
리치 멀린스 "Awesome God"에 이어진 리치 멀린스의 생애애 대한 동영상과 크리스찬 뮤직입니다.
그가 크리스찬으로 살다 간 길을 듣고 보면서 생각하는 시간 갖고 싶고 같이 나누고 싶습니다.
그가 크리스찬으로 살다 간 길을 듣고 보면서 생각하는 시간 갖고 싶고 같이 나누고 싶습니다.
위 동영상 내용
Well this is yet another prayer song. Sometimes I find it hard to pray and maybe that's why I've written so many prayer songs because it's easier if you sing sometimes. And God may find it more entertaining than if you just say it too. Except, that I'm just not really all that sure that God is all that concerned about being entertained. I'm not sure if that's just a human thing. Sometimes you know, you try to pray, you try to impress God with all the right words, and I just don't think it's an easy thing to impress God Almighty, if you know what I mean is. And here's the thing that I think we often forget is that we don't have to impress, because he's already knocked out about you. He already loves you more than you can imagine. I remember reading a thing that Picasso once said. I like to read what famous artists have to say because I can barely, I'm barely able to look at their paintings without going into a coma trying to figure out what it's about. But he said this one thing that I really do like. He said that, good taste was the enemy of great art, which I think is very, very true. Good taste has all to do with being cultured, and being refined, and if art has to do with anything, it has to do with being human. And one reason I love the bible is because the humans in the bible are not very refined. They're pretty goofy, if you want to know the whole truth about it. And I remember when I was a kid, and people would always say, you know because I was one of those typical depressed adolescent types. I wrote poetry and stuff. This is how morose I was when I was a kid. People would go around saying, "Oh, cheer up man because God loves you." And I'd always say, "Big deal, God loves everybody. That don't make me special. That just proves that God ain't got no taste." And I don't think he does. Thank God. Because God takes the junk of our lives, and he makes the greatest heart in the world out of it. And if he was cultured; if he was as civilized as most Christian people wished he was, he would be useless to Christianity. But God is a wild man. And uh I hope that in the course of your life, you encounter him. But let me warn you, you need to hang on for dear life, or let go for dear life. Maybe it's better. And uh, this a prayer for you and you're welcome to sing it along with us.
가사와 함께 동영상 보면서 따라부르기Sometimes the night was beautiful
Sometimes the sky was so far away
Sometimes it seemed to stoop so close
You could touch it but your heart would break
Sometimes the morning came too soon
Sometimes the day could be so hot
There was so much work left to do
But so much You'd already done
Oh God, You are my God
And I will ever praise You
Oh God, You are my God
And I will ever praise You
I will seek You in the morning
And I will learn to walk in Your ways
And step by step You'll lead me
And I will follow You all of my days
Sometimes I think of Abraham
How one star he saw had been lit for me
He was a stranger in this land
And I am that, no less than he
And on this road to righteousness
Sometimes the climb can be so steep
I may falter in my steps
But never beyond Your reach
Oh God, You are my God
And I will ever praise You
Oh God, You are my God
And I will ever praise You
I will seek You in the morning
And I will learn to walk in Your ways
And step by step You'll lead me
And I will follow You all of my days
And I will follow You all of my days
And I will follow You all of my days
And step by step You'll lead me
And I will follow You all of my days
And I will follow You all of my days
(Sometimes the night was beautiful)
And I will follow You all of my days
(Sometimes the night . . .)
(Sometimes the night was beautiful)
And I will follow You all of my days
(. . . Was beautiful)
(Sometimes the night was beautiful)
And I will follow You all of my days
(So beautiful)
And I will follow You all of my days
And I will follow You all of my days
(Oh God,
가사와 함께 동영상 보면서 따라부르기
"And the moon is a sliver of silver
Like a shaving that fell on the floor of a Carpenter's shop
And every house must have it's builder
And I awoke in the house of God
Where the windows are mornings and evenings
Stretched from the sun
Across the sky north to south
And on my way to early meeting
I heard the rocks crying out
I heard the rocks crying out
Be praised for all Your tenderness by these works of Your hands
Suns that rise and rains that fall to bless and bring to life Your land
Look down upon this winter wheat and be glad that You have made
Blue for the sky and the color green that fills these fields with praise
And the wrens have returned and they're nesting
In the hollow of that oak where his heart once had been
And he lifts up his arms in a blessing for being born again
And the streams are all swollen with winter
Winter unfrozen and free to run away now
And I'm amazed when I remember
Who it was that built this house
And with the rocks I cry out
Be praised for all Your tenderness by these works of Your hands
Suns that rise and rains that fall to bless and bring to life Your land
Look down upon this winter wheat and be glad that You have made
Blue for the sky and the color green
Be praised for all Your tenderness by these works of Your hands
Suns that rise and rains that fall to bless and bring to life Your land
Look down upon this winter wheat and be glad that You have made
Blue for the sky and the color green that fills these fields with praise"
크리스찬이라면 시간내서 한번 들어보길 바란다. 그의 말 하나하나 들을 만하다.
시간 내서 아래 동영상 꼭 보세요. 리치 멀린스(1955-1997)가 교통사고로 죽은 뒤에 그를 알고 지냈던 사람들이 그를 회상하고 있습니다. 다 다른 사람들이 다른 각도로 자신이 본 리치 멀린스에 대해 말하는데 말하는 것, 생각하는 것을 배우고 있는 우리에게 좋은 자료가 될 것 같습니다. 가슴을 흔들어 놓는 이야기들로 꽉차 있습니다.
위 동영상 내용 중에서
41:54 이 부분이 뭔가 저를 덮쳤습니다. 사람들마다 자신의 눈으로 자신의 생각으로 해석하게 될 것이고 다 의미있는 일이 될 것입니다. 저처럼 흥미로우면 댓글을 달아 주세요.:)
There's a scene in Thornton Wilder's play, "The Angel of Trouble of Waters," that to me, really captures the essence of the life and the spirituality of Rich Mullins. The scene is, a doctor comes to the pool everyday wanting to be healed of his melancholy, and his gloom, and his sadness, and finally when the angel appears, the doctor, he's a medical doctor, he goes to step into the water; the angel blocks his entrance and says "No, step back, the healing's not for you." The doctor pleads, "But I've got to get in the water, I can't live this way." The angel says, "No, this moment is not for you." And he says, "But how can I live this way?" And she says, the angel says to him, "Doctor, without your wounds, where would your power be? It is your melancholy that makes your low voice tremble into the hearts of men and women. The very angels themselves cannot persuade the wretched and blundering children of this earth as can one human being, broken on the wheels of living. In love's service, only wounded soldiers can serve. And to me, the theme of that story is the theme of Rich Mullin's life: All grace, all light, all truth, all power, inspiration, are communicated through the vulnerability, the brokenness, the utter honesty of men and women who have been ship wrecked, heart broken, broken in the wheels of living. In love's service, only wounded soldiers can serve. And to me, the power of Rich Mullin's life, lay in the power of his brokenness, the power of his unblinking honesty, his deeply moving sincerity. And uh, God I miss him. But to my dying day, I will boast, and with honor say, Rich Mullin was my friend.
위 동영상 내용 중에서
사진사가 언덕 위에 있는 리치멀린스를 찍으면서 팔을 벌리라고 하니 그가 말했습니다. "지저스처럼? 이렇게 말이야?" "아니. 팔을 조금 내려봐."
그 모습이 마치 하늘을 향하고 있는 화살표 모양(41:40)이었다고 합니다. 이미 그가 갈 곳을 향하고 있었던것처럼~
위 동영상 내용 중에서
He was looking for Home.
Saints and children we have gathered here to hear the sacred story
And I'm glad to bring it to you with my best rhyming and rhythm
'Cause I know the thirsty listen and down to the waters come
And the Holy King of Israel loves me here in America
And if you listen to my songs I hope you hear the water falling
I hope you feel the oceans crashing on the coast of north New England
I wish I could be there just to see them, two summers past I was
And the Holy King of Israel loves me here in America
And if I were a painter I do not know which I'd paint
The calling of the ancient stars or assembling of the saints
And there's so much beauty around us for just two eyes to see
But everywhere I go I'm looking
And once I went to Appalachia for my father he was born there
And I saw the mountains waking with the innocence of children
And my soul is still there with them wrapped in the songs they brought
And the Holy King of Israel loves me here in America
And I've seen by the highways on a million exit ramps
Those two-legged memorials to the laws of happenstance
Waiting for four-wheeled messiahs to take them home again
But I am home anywhere if You are where I am
And if you listen to my songs I hope you hear the water falling
I hope you feel the oceans crashing on the coast of north New England
I wish I could be there just to see them, two summers past I was
And the Holy King of Israel loves me here in America
And I'm glad to bring it to you with my best rhyming and rhythm
'Cause I know the thirsty listen and down to the waters come
And the Holy King of Israel loves me here in America
And if you listen to my songs I hope you hear the water falling
I hope you feel the oceans crashing on the coast of north New England
I wish I could be there just to see them, two summers past I was
And the Holy King of Israel loves me here in America
And if I were a painter I do not know which I'd paint
The calling of the ancient stars or assembling of the saints
And there's so much beauty around us for just two eyes to see
But everywhere I go I'm looking
And once I went to Appalachia for my father he was born there
And I saw the mountains waking with the innocence of children
And my soul is still there with them wrapped in the songs they brought
And the Holy King of Israel loves me here in America
And I've seen by the highways on a million exit ramps
Those two-legged memorials to the laws of happenstance
Waiting for four-wheeled messiahs to take them home again
But I am home anywhere if You are where I am
And if you listen to my songs I hope you hear the water falling
I hope you feel the oceans crashing on the coast of north New England
I wish I could be there just to see them, two summers past I was
And the Holy King of Israel loves me here in America
여기까지 오셨다면 위 동영상 꼭 보세요. 다 보고 나면 눈물이 날거예요. 아니~ 이것만 보지 말고 다~ 보세요.
가사와 함께 동영상 보면서 따라부르기
Talkin' Daniel in the den of the lions
Talkin' Jonah in the belly of a whale
Talkin' three Hebrew children
And they're standing in a furnace, fiery furnace
But the fire didn't burn them, and the lions didn't bite
And the Lord reached down and you can be sure that
Everything turned out right
Oh you'll meet the Lord in the furnace
A long time before you meet Him in the sky
And where you are ain't where you wish that you was
Well your life ain't easy and the road is rough
But where you are is where He promised to be
From the ends of the world to every point of need
Talkin' Daniel in the den of the lions
Talkin' Jonah in the belly of a whale
Talkin' three Hebrew children
And they're standing in a furnace, fiery furnace
But the fire didn't burn them, and the lions didn't bite
And the Lord reached down and you can be sure that
Everything turned out right
Oh you'll meet the Lord in the furnace
A long time before you meet Him in the sky
Meet Him in your time of trial
Meet Him in your hour of prayer
You can reach out and I'll bet
That you'll find that He's right there
Where you are, however grim it may seem
This is real life, baby
This ain't no Hollywood dream
And where you are no matter what you may face
You're gonna find out real soon what they mean when they say
Talkin' Daniel in the den of the lions
Talkin' Jonah in the belly of a whale
Talkin' three Hebrew children
And they're standing in a furnace, fiery furnace
But the fire didn't burn them, and the lions didn't bite
And the Lord reached down and you can be sure that
Everything turned out right
심장이 멈추면 죽음의 판정이 나옵니다.
의학의 발달로 이제 인간은 전세대에 살던 인간들보다 훨씬 더 오래 살게 되었습니다.
우리의 장기를 차의 부속품처럼 새것으로 교체해서 오래 살게 하는 것은 이 훨씬 오래 살게되는데 한 몫을 하고 있습니다. 사람들은 세계에서 가장 오래 산 사람의 나이가 몇 살인지에 관심을 갖는데~
제 의견은 "그냥 숨을 쉬고 있는 것만으로는 살아있다고 말을 할 수가 없다."는 것입니다.
언젠가 올린적이 있는데 92세 요가 선생을 소개합니다라는 글을 한번 보세요. 엔진(심장)이 작동하지만 사람을 실어 날으지 않는 차는 죽은 차입니다.
쉬고 있는 그 숨이 어떻게 심장(가슴, heart)을 거쳐서 두뇌에 전달이 되어 우리가 실천을 하느냐 그것이 무엇보다 중요합니다.
생각하는 시간 갖길 바랍니다.
의학의 발달로 이제 인간은 전세대에 살던 인간들보다 훨씬 더 오래 살게 되었습니다.
우리의 장기를 차의 부속품처럼 새것으로 교체해서 오래 살게 하는 것은 이 훨씬 오래 살게되는데 한 몫을 하고 있습니다. 사람들은 세계에서 가장 오래 산 사람의 나이가 몇 살인지에 관심을 갖는데~
제 의견은 "그냥 숨을 쉬고 있는 것만으로는 살아있다고 말을 할 수가 없다."는 것입니다.
언젠가 올린적이 있는데 92세 요가 선생을 소개합니다라는 글을 한번 보세요. 엔진(심장)이 작동하지만 사람을 실어 날으지 않는 차는 죽은 차입니다.
쉬고 있는 그 숨이 어떻게 심장(가슴, heart)을 거쳐서 두뇌에 전달이 되어 우리가 실천을 하느냐 그것이 무엇보다 중요합니다.
생각하는 시간 갖길 바랍니다.
갑자기 귀신 생각이 납니다.
정말 귀신이 있을까요?
영어만 봐도
머리가 지근지근 아픈 당신,
여기 앉으세요.
죽은 차가 되고 싶은가요?
왜 나는 크리스찬이 아닌가?
비싼 관(棺) 하나, 쓰레기통 하나의 의미
크리스찬 조크 by Joel Osteen
다시 태어나는 사람-브라이언 웰치
한국귀신과 미국귀신(임산부입장불가)
Marc Cohn - Walking In Memphis
비싼 관(棺) 하나, 쓰레기통 하나의 의미
크리스찬 조크 by Joel Osteen
다시 태어나는 사람-브라이언 웰치
한국귀신과 미국귀신(임산부입장불가)
Marc Cohn - Walking In Memphis
posted by 써니의 뉴욕노트 & 잭스피킹 호흡영어